Hi, Truckers! It’s been a while since our last news update, but we’re back with new stuff to share. We’ve been super busy, working hard on the bumpy road of game development, and we’ve got a ton of new things to share with you! Let’s start our engine and take you on a drive through all the updates for Alaskan Truck Simulator. [h2][b]New Publisher - Green Man Gaming Publishing![/b][/h2] We’ve teamed up with [b]Green Man Gaming Publishing[/b] to ensure we realize our dreams for Alaskan Truck Simulator. They’ll be helping and supporting the development of the Alaskan Truck Simulator as we work towards release. With past experience working on [b]Model Builder[/b], [b]Filthy Animals[/b], [b]Kainga: Seeds of Civilization, and much more[/b], we’re sure they’ll make the perfect partners for us. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/cc06cfde5f4dfefc2a3ced47fbbe62877b7691af.png[/img] [h2][b]GET YOUR HANDS ON THE WHEEL[/b][/h2] We want you to feel immersed in Alaskan Truck Simulator - after all, you’re a trucker, not a truck. From pumping gas to turning on your headlights and steering, you’ll be right there as your trucker with your hands on the wheel and your body in the driving seat. We are also working on balancing the game regarding the weights of the trailers, the maximum speed of every truck, and how they handle different circumstances. Read what has been improved and reworked: [h3][b]NEW STUFF - BODY AWARENESS[/b][/h3] From now on, you can see your hands animations while handling your daily tasks. Also, we want to introduce special character customization from where you can change the look of your driver. See how those features look in the game: [previewyoutube=RTE-2cnWU10;full][/previewyoutube] [h3][b]NEW STUFF - REWORKED GRAPHIC DESIGN AND GAME LOOK[/b][/h3] As you probably noticed in the video, there are a few changes to how the game presents itself. You’ll be spending a lot of time in the world of Alaskan Truck Simulator, so we’ve been making sure it looks as authentic as possible. We’ve increased the detail level in many areas, including buildings, trees, road signs, and truck parts. In addition, we’ve partnered with Tobiasz Piątkowski, a comic book author and art director from Poland, helping us develop more color and authenticity to the world. We want the world of Alaskan Truck Simulator to feel alive, so we’re adding many small touches to help make the wilderness more lived-in. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/b010b6c061848ba8d2475d5e81a181c1b6fedea9.png[/img] [h3][b]NEW STUFF - INTERACTABLE PLACES AND NPC’S[/b][/h3] Alaskan Truck Simulator isn’t all about sitting behind the wheel, sometimes you’ll need to get out too. That’s why we are [b]designing interiors and authentic places around the map, including stores, and gas stations[/b], so you can take a break or stock up on essentials. We’ve also [b]added NPCs[/b] in these locations - shops don’t run themselves, after all! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/7ff0ff15d9f704a93134c67df4b4414cd461f8c7.png[/img] [h3][b]OPTIMIZING THE PERFORMANCE[/b][/h3] Lately, we’ve also been [b]working on the game's performance and stability[/b]. Our internal Quality Assurance team provided much feedback and insights, which we implemented in the game engine. [b]Alaskan Truck Simulator gets better every minute we spend on it, and we will continually be working to improve the feeling and smoothness of the game.[/b] At this point, we would also thank you - our beloved community members - for providing the necessary feedback after our demo tests last year and for your continued support on Steam and your ideas there on improving ATS. [h3][b]SMALLER IMPROVEMENTS[/b][/h3] On top of all of that, we’ve made several small changes that should improve your Alaskan Truck Simulator experience: [list] [*] Improved weather and seasonal system [*] More development of the player’s HQ, including upgrades for the look and functionality of your base [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/54b89d531c1b68c5ee51da7258ee97b4d12229ef.png[/img] [h2][b]KEEP IN TOUCH[/b][/h2] That’s everything from us for now. In the meantime don’t forget to wishlist Alaskan Truck Simulator and hit us up on [url=https://www.facebook.com/alaskantrucksimulator/]Facebook[/url] to keep up to date with everything we’re working on! https://store.steampowered.com/app/849100/Alaskan_Truck_Simulator/ See you on the road, Truckers 🫡