Hello truckers! It’s currently summer here in the Northern Hemisphere and things are getting very hot indeed, especially for those of us who are at Gamescom in Cologne. We thought for this week’s devlog we’d cool down a bit and take a look at some of the effects cold weather will have on you, your truck, and the world in Alaskan Road Truckers. Come and chill with us! [h2]Ice to See You[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/1a8b1bab8efd694981aa5d876769920514da1801.png[/img] Alaska is a region of the world that harbors wildly varying weather. In some seasons you may have little more to deal with than the occasional patter of rain but when winter rolls around, you’ll find things a little trickier out there on the road. Snow and ice can make completing even routine journeys difficult. When ice starts to appear you’ll find your traction difficult to maintain, especially when you’re trying to haul a heavy load up a hill. Thankfully throwing iron (using snow chains) can provide you with the grip you need to get through. With deep snow to contend with and reduced visibility due to blizzards, it can get extremely hairy when you're trying to navigate Alaska and control several tons of diesel-powered metal. Engines can be temperamental things. When the frost really starts biting you may have trouble starting your truck at all. Make sure you’ve got your radiator cover with you if you’re planning on stopping anywhere to give your engine a little cozy hug to ensure it starts up. The effects of cold don’t just stop there. If the temperature drops too much you’ll find your windscreen wipers frozen solid, unable to clear any potential blizzards that might be hitting you. The only option you’ll have is to get out of your truck and try and scrape them clean - but are you prepared to head outside in the frozen north? [h2]A Frosty Reception[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/6d1e733aa9fbf92ac7c902065d6025255d9c43e2.png[/img] In Alaskan Road Truckers you play as a trucker, not as a truck. This means that the effects of the climate will affect you as well as your vehicle. You’ll have to maintain your temperature to keep your health up, let that drop too much and you’ll have a trip to the emergency room in your future. You can stay warm in a variety of ways. First off you’ll have your heater in your cab - keep that running when it’s cold and you’ll keep the worst of the frost from biting you. Dressing appropriately for the weather is also something you’ll have to take into account, put a sweater on to stay warm. If you have to get out of your cab and enter the cold you’ll have to be extremely aware of the dangers that frosty weather can inflict on you. Keep your journeys outside of safety quick and return to your truck whenever you can to stave off the cold. Your truck isn’t just your home away from home - it’s your sanctuary, where you can get a hot meal, turn on a heater, and get some precious hours of shut-eye. Of course, knowing all this won’t help you if you’re not prepared for the worst that Alaska’s climate can throw at you. If you get trapped by an avalanche, your battery dies, a tire bursts, and you’re miles away from civilization, it can start to get very dark and very cold very fast. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/93c563acf27336da8614d524c53fe96895e2ea7f.png[/img] If you’re heading out in winter, make sure you have what you need to jury-rig some repairs on your truck and stock up on food to make sure you come back in one piece. We’re counting on you, trucker. [h2]Alaskan Road Truckers Release Date[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/ccec6531a3fd116ce73e18108784134a2237d80a.png[/img] You might’ve seen earlier in the week but we have a release date for PC! Alaskan Road Truckers will be released on [b]Steam on October the 18th, 2023[/b]. Start your engines, you’ve got some driving to do. [previewyoutube=Kc27JnkEy4I;full][/previewyoutube] If you’re looking to play on console or another platform, we’ll have news for you soon about release dates - you won’t be waiting long, we promise. [h2]Alaskan Road Truckers at Gamescom 2023[/h2] Today marks the third day of Gamescom 2023 and our booth has been buzzing - here's a pic of our booth! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/87db437b6ea9acfc20e0108d41e4fffe0a48e628.png[/img] If you’re attending, why come by our stand at [b]Hall 06.1, Stand C-043[/b] and have a wheel-y good time with us. [h2]Stay in Touch[/h2] There’s only one thing left to do here and that’s to tell you to wishlist us on Steam - every wishlist helps us make the game a success and will keep you up to date with updates and more. So hit that wishlist button! https://store.steampowered.com/app/849100/Alaskan_Road_Truckers/ Join our Discord: [url=”https://discord.gg/7nzKkAVgN4”]https://discord.gg/7nzKkAVgN4[/url] Like us on Facebook: [url=”https://www.facebook.com/alaskanroadtruckers”]https://www.facebook.com/alaskanroadtruckers[/url] Follow us on Twitter: [url=”https://twitter.com/alaskantrucksim”]https://twitter.com/alaskantrucksim[/url] Follow us on Instagram: [url=”https://www.instagram.com/alaskanroadtruckers/”]https://www.instagram.com/alaskanroadtruckers/[/url] Follow us on TikTok: [url=”https://www.tiktok.com/@alaskan.road.truckers”]https://www.tiktok.com/@alaskan.road.trucker[/url]