Hello truckers! Sunday's a day for rest, for preparing for the week ahead. Unless you've just launched a game that is, then it's time to get PATCHING! Here's what's new in today's patch: [h2][b]Patch Notes[/b][/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/89680347ad39b58f3043ddda58a3750f30fcdb5f.png[/img] [list][*] Fixes for AI getting into corners too fast and turning belly up [*] Steering wheel hand animations should now play properly [*] Invisible chainsaw fix [*] Fix for workshop being inaccessible at the base [*] Fixed endless repairs for certain systems of the truck [*] Added information if on-the-road manual repair is only temporary or a full fix [*] Fixed no storage being added to Tire Workshop at level 2 [*] The default installed tires are now shown in the Tire Workshop [*] Fixed bugs connected with selling/changing and buying rims and tires in the tire shop [*] The default tires now have the possibility to change rim size [*] Fix for cargo dock in Pump Station 2 [*] Removed a billboard from the logistic location in Valdez to allow easier parking [*] Fixed a police car having a sign stuck in it [*] Added a confirmation screen when taking a loan[/list] But that's not all... [h2]REPORTS OF STRANGE SIGHTINGS IN ALASKA[/h2] This just in - an anonymous informer has reported supernatural activity in Alaska. A large figure with mysterious glowing eyes has been spotted in the forests, fleeing when seen. Our informer has placed several clues around the map that will point you the way - there's even talk of a reward for those who are first to find these proofs. Take a look at these pictures - maybe you can locate where they were taken? Good luck! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/cb8449c1e8125eb8ed337cc5fb878a27864b7cbc.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/c06716f28377db3adce22970a33634fc4482be5d.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/ffdd1d3b21fedf6aa5a5501e2eb685291504f1fc.png[/img] More information, including how to take part in the hunt for proof of this creature, can be found over on our [url=https://discord.gg/7nzKkAVgN4]Discord[/url]. Don't forget - you can grab a discount during the launch week for Alaskan Road Truckers, so if you haven't grabbed it - now's your chance! https://store.steampowered.com/app/849100/Alaskan_Road_Truckers/ Please remember to give us a review if possible - everything helps us gain visibility on the store. If you have already given us a negative review, why not revisit it after the latest patch and see if your experience is better - thank you! You can check out previous patch notes here: [h3]Patch no. 1[/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/849100/view/3704832514248064152 [h3]Patch no. 2[/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/849100/view/3704832514248847151 [h3]Patch no.3[/h3] https://steamcommunity.com/games/849100/announcements/detail/3704832514253296846 We'll see you on the road, truckers! [h2][b]Stay in Touch[/b][/h2] Join our Discord: [url=https://discord.gg/7nzKkAVgN4]https://discord.gg/7nzKkAVgN4[/url] Like us on Facebook: [url=https://www.facebook.com/alaskanroadtruckers]https://www.facebook.com/alaskanroadtruckers[/url] Follow us on Twitter: [url=https://twitter.com/alaskantrucksim]https://twitter.com/alaskantrucksim[/url] Follow us on Instagram: [url=https://www.instagram.com/alaskanroadtruckers/]www.instagram.com/alaskanroadtruckers/[/url]