Hello, truckers! Like every Friday, we’re back with new informations about our work progress. This week, we’ve focused again on making vehicle models, that you’ll have the opportunity to see on the road to make it a little bit less monotonous. As you can see below, for some citizens of Alaska, their love for classics is more important than functionality and reliability. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/eae4be06348d00a8de7bf76eb504fbc5737c1813.png[/img] But also the amount of heavy vehicles isn’t low. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/7fe5d3407636fc3c5da033a70def15193116f6d1.png[/img] Would you want to see some specific models of cars on the roads of Alaska? Let us know, we'd be happy to look at your ideas, and we'll definitely pick something :) Stay safe! Westend Studio & Movie Games