Hello, fellow truckers! Another week of work on Alaskan Truck Simulator behind us, and like every Friday, we'd like to invite you on a trip to the new places! Before we set out on the road, it’s advisable to drink something warm, that’s why you should come over on some coffee. Remember, coffee can’t replace sleeping and the decent rest! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/5e6737a2a224f2c1ee74f163f75f7f62872728d4.jpg[/img] For the last two weeks, we’ve shown you some shots from the cities. It’s time to escape to the countrysides for a moment. The work of trucker isn’t only a warehouses, asphalt, and transit points. Sometimes it’s also visiting more idyllic places :) [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//33660248/b1319763293f5dd3565072e26fa5e7d8f69fa841.jpg[/img] In the end, we’re presenting you another timelapse from our work on a very characteristic place from the state of Alaska. Who knows what place it is? :) https://giphy.com/gifs/fAVTxe1qc5S3iA7vlZ See you next week! Westend & Movie Games