This week at Aim Zen, serious software infrastructures were developed on data processability, in order to process player content correctly and transfer it to the cloud. A serious part of the players' task creation system has been developed (EA version): [img][/img] Users can specify and randomise the parameters of the tasks they create. [b]Implemented Task Settings: [list] [*] Target Mode: Grid, Single_Axis, Moving, Tracking. [*] Target Scale. [*] Randomize Target Scale. [*] Maximum Target. [*] Randomize Maximum Target. [*] Spawn Delay. [*] Randomize Spawn Delay. [*] Target Movement Speed. [*] Randomize Target Movement Speed. [*] Direction Change Interval. [*] Ranomize Direction Change Interval. [/list][/b] The next Demo update will be in June, and since the updates until then will be technical, we'll be taking a break from visually pleasing devlogs. Stay Tuned. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]These were the changes made this week, see you next week...[/i]