[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38625628/bfbcdb809a93ab77bfcabc056610baf67842aecf.png[/img] With the temperature slowly dropping in the northern hemisphere, we're sharing our winter season with *everyone* in [i]Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition[/i]! This month, we’ve prepared a sleigh-full of great, wacky, winter-themed rewards for you to unlock and enjoy for the rest of 2020! All of these are yours to earn and enjoy as a part of the [b]WINTER WONDERLAND EVENT[/b]! [list] [*] Unlock the new [b]Winter Wonderland Map![/b] [*] Collect four [b]new, exclusive profile icons![/b] [/list] [h1]New Rewards![/h1] [table][tr] [td][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38625628/d17500b3f40a70d4ecfc0dc2d1748c8f9defe186.png[/img][/td] [td][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38625628/564162426c2deb566e67365ac341b2f26fce54e5.png[/img][/td] [td][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38625628/4fbf35c5b67509c5af1ae5b9868a99165f5b87c9.png[/img][/td] [td][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38625628/0aa6b5408c38ed2fbc628d131b26933eac85b20d.png[/img][/td] [/tr][/table] [b]Starting TODAY through JANUARY 3rd[/b], complete the in-game tasks within the time limit to add the new rewards to your pile of presents! The first challenge unlocks a new visual mod and is required to save all of your unlocks: [code]🎯 [b]Sign into Xbox Live.[/b] 🏆 Unlock the [b]Jaeger Bearing Gifts[/b] profile icon. 💾 [b]*Required* if you want to save any rewards unlocked during the event![/b] [/code]Each of the following challenges must be unlocked in order and on separate days: [code]🔒 [b]Win a Skirmish or Multiplayer game as the French in the Arctic Territories map.[/b] 🏆 [Mod] Unlock and keep the new [b]Winter Wonderland Holiday Map.[/b] 🔄 [i]Note that you will need to restart your game for the mod to work properly.[/i] :alertalert: [i]Note that installing the Winder Wonderland mod will result in un-modded lobbies not displaying in the lobby browser. You will need to manually disable the mod to view all un-modded lobbies.[/i] 🔒 [b]Win any Single Player Skirmish game on the Winter Wonderland Holiday Map.[/b] 🧱 Unlocks the [b]Red Monster Truck Filled with Presents[/b] profile icon. 🔒 [b] Win a 1v1 Single Player Skirmish game against Hard AI on the Winter Wonderland Holiday Map[/b]. 🧱 Unlocks [b]Red Nose Capybara[/b] profile icon. 🔒 [b]Play a Single Player or Multiplayer King of the Hill game.[/b] 🧱Unlocks [b]Old Coot with a Confetti Cannon[/b] profile icon.[/code] [h1]The Winter Wonderland Map Mod[/h1] The Winter Wonderland map is a twist on an old favorite: [quote]“During these festive times, players find themselves in a beautiful snow valley surrounding a frozen lake. A single circular trade route runs around the map. This map is filled with presents, decorated Christmas trees, and with reindeer and moose to fit the occasion.”[/quote] A few important notes: [list] [*] While running the mod, you will not be able to see non-modded lobbies. You can disable (uncheck) the mod to see those lobbies again, and then re-enable the mod to complete the related challenges. [*] If you accidentally unsubscribe from the mod, you can search for "Winter Wonderland" in the Mod browser to re-subscribe to the mod. [/list] We hope you enjoy the new battlefield! [h1]Keep It All![/h1] In order to save all of your unlocks, you will need to complete the universal challenge to [b]sign into Xbox Live[/b] at some point during the event. This is where we track your reward unlocks during these exclusive events, so you’ll want to ensure you have a [url=https://www.xbox.com/live]free Xbox Live account[/url] to enjoy all the perks the [i]Age[/i] series has to offer! It even comes with it’s own profile icon for completing the task! [quote]Note that an Xbox Live account can be tied to an email address or even a phone number, and is NOT tied to the Xbox consoles or the paid Xbox Live service. More information can be found on the [url=https://www.xbox.com/live]Xbox website[/url].[/quote] We hope you enjoy the [i]Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition[/i] Winter Wonderland Event! Again, don’t forget to sign into Xbox Live to keep everything you unlock! —The [i]Age of Empires[/i] Team [h1]BONUS! Seasonal Wallpapers[/h1] Enjoying the new Stockholm customizations we added to the game? Well now you can enjoy them outside of the game as a desktop wallpaper! [img]https://static.ageofempires.com/aoe/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Aurora_1920x1080.png[/img] [code][h3]:savedisk: [url=https://static.ageofempires.com/aoe/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Aurora_1920x1080.png]1920x1080[/url] || [url=https://static.ageofempires.com/aoe/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Aurora_1920x1200.png]1920x1200[/url] || [url=https://static.ageofempires.com/aoe/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Aurora_2560x1440.png]2560X1080[/url][/h3][/code]