[img]https://static.ageofempires.com/aoe/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/aoe3de_AvailableNow.jpg[/img] Hello Explorers! We hope that you're enjoying the release of [i]Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition[/i] as it continues the story that began 15 years ago while writing an all-new chapter in the [i]Age of Empires[/i] saga! Leading up to today's launch, we received questions about all the things that changed since the release of the [i]Complete Collection[/i] in 2013. Well, the short answer is: [i][b]quite a lot![/b][/i] It's likely you've already heard about the upgraded graphics, new UI configurations, new campaign missions, and new gameplay modes—such as the Historical Battles and Art of War series. While these capture several of the most visible new features and systems we've added to the game, there have also been a [i]multitude[/i] of balance and gameplay changes which long-time fans of the series will have begun to notice during the recent [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/933110/announcements/detail/2927861384130113234]Streaming Event[/url]. In fact, of the 133,000+ individual changes and additions made over the course of remastering the [i]Age of Empires III: Complete Collection[/i], the team over at Forgotten Empires has (very kindly) curated a list of the notable gameplay additions you'll discover as you once again venture forth into [i]Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition[/i]. Here are some of the highlights: [list][*] New Civilization: [b]The Inca![/b] [*] New Civilization: [b]The Swedes![/b] [*] New [b]Revolutions[/b] [*] New [b]European Politicians[/b] [*] Definitive [b]Politician Rebalance[/b] [*] Authentic and Respectful representation of the Native American and First Nations Civs [*] [b]Grenadier[/b] Rebalanced and Firing Animation Reworked [*] Added a New [b]‘Grenade Launchers’[/b] Card for Grenadiers [*] Naval Unit ‘RNG’ Removed [*] Added Naval Formations [*] Greatly Expanded Legacy Hotkeys and added ‘Grid Layout' Keybindings [*] Information Such as [b]Gather Rates[/b] and [b]Rate of Fire[/b] are Now Displayed on the UI [*] [b]Light Infantry[/b] ('Coyote Runner' style units) renamed to [b]Shock Infantry[/b] [*] Rebalanced Maps [*] Added More Maps [*] Definitive Consulate Rebalance [*] All Cards Definitively Unlocked [*] Added Premade Decks and ‘Copy’ Deck Button [*] Definitive Adjustments to ‘Lackluster’ Cards and Units [*] Definitive Improvements to Native Warriors [*] Supremacy, Treaty and Deathmatch Balance Changes [*] Many, many Bug Fixes[/list] While we can't fit the more than 75 pages of notes here, you can read the full list of changes over on the official website: [h3]:AOECannon: [url=https://www.ageofempires.com/news/aoe3de-baseline-update/]Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition — Release Day Gameplay Changelog[/url][/h3] Thank you for joining us on the launch day of the game; we'll see you on the battlefield!