[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38625628/cdc7326ce3d9f972ae00305bdb56184ed78efe04.png[/img] Good day, explorers! Today's update includes several critical fixes to the most prevalent crashes identified over the past week—all of which have been packaged up, tested, and released as soon as possible to mitigate the disruptions to your play. While this does mean that today's update is smaller than the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/933110/announcements/detail/2966143248201932703]first release[/url], our primary goal right now is to ensure that players are able to play and enjoy the game without disruption. Doing so ensures less disruptions for [i]everyone[/i]: leading to more enjoyable matches and the opportunity to focus on adjusting the balance and mechanics of the game later on! If you are continuing to experience issues, we still want to hear from you! If you have not already, visit our discussion channels to describe your experience: [quote] 💬 [b]DISCUSS:[/b] [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/933110/discussions/]Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition Forum[/url] 🗣 [b]JOIN:[/b] [url=https://discord.gg/ageofempires]The Age of Empires Official Discord[/url][/quote] If you are experiencing crashes or disconnects from the game, you should also take a moment to contact our awesome [url=https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/]support team[/url] for assistance! Any number of factors can cause disruptions—be it hardware, software, network, or other factors tantamount to witchcraft—and our support team has the tools to help you diagnose and determine the best course of action to play the game. We'll be watching the forums and responses closely following the update, and will be sure to update you next week with more information about our plans as we continue to grow [i]Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition[/i]. We already have another update in the works, which includes even more fixes to the most critical issues identified by the community! For now, we'll see you on the battlefield! —The [i]Age of Empires[/i] Team [hr][/hr] [h1]HOTFIX 4087[/h1] [hr][/hr] [h1]◆ [b]GAME[/b] ◆[/h1] [h3][b]Stability & Performance[/b][/h3][list][*] Fixed a crash triggered when moving to a new Age after constructing a [b]Torp[/b] on certain terrain types. [*] Fixed a crash triggered after using a cheat code in a scenario and then trying to access the Home City deck builder. [*] Fixed a crash triggered by closing the game with the deck builder open. [*] Implemented several programmatic improvements aimed at game stability. [*] Implemented fixes to plug a potential memory leak.[/list] [h3][b]Graphics[/b][/h3][list][*] Fixed the appearance of black streaks in Paris caused by water rendering on certain Intel integrated graphics and driver combinations.[/list] [h1]◆ [b]LOBBIES & MATCHMAKING[/b] ◆[/h1] [list][*] Fixed an out-of-sync error in the Instant spectator mode triggered when the user's machine was notably faster than the host's.[/list] [quote][h1]◆ [b]ONGOING INVESTIGATION[/b] ◆[/h1]As always, we are continuing to track issues reported by the community for future updates. Here is a brief update from our Production team regarding some of what is still in the works: [list][*] [b]Stability:[/b] Stability continues to be a top concern, and we are continuing to gather and investigate issues as they are raised by the community. If you are having trouble downloading, playing, connecting, or staying connected to the game, please reach out to our [url=https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/categories/360004101511]support team[/url] so they can work with you to determine the best solution to the issue at hand. [*] [b]Optimization:[/b] We are continuing to work on improvements to the optimization and performance of the game for a wide range of machines and specs. This is important to us, and will continue to be a focus as we improve the experience for more and more players around the world. [*] [b]Player Bug Reports:[/b] The team is also working to enter your reported issues as quickly as possible! [url=https://forums.ageofempires.com/]Visit the forums[/url] to create or add to a post about the bugs you encounter in the game! [*] [b]More information next week![/b] In the ongoing interest of keeping things active and moving, we'll report back next week to talk about what's coming next and what sort of timeline you can expect. Stay tuned for more![/list] [h3]:alertalert: [b]DISCLAIMER[/b][/h3]This list is subject to change and should not be considered a comprehensive list of all the known issues we’re tracking. The above is to inform you of the team’s current priorities, which will change as other issues arise or take precedence. For the latest updates and announcements, please visit our [url=https://twitter.com/ageofempires]social channels[/url].[/quote][quote]Please note that custom mods may not be compatible with the latest game update. If you are experiencing issues launching or playing the game after downloading the new build, try [url=https://www.ageofempires.com/mods]disabling your installed mods[/url] before trying again. Still having trouble? Visit our [url=https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/]support page[/url]![/quote]