[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//38625628/cdc7326ce3d9f972ae00305bdb56184ed78efe04.png[/img] [hr][/hr][code][h1] ◆ HOTFIX 21704 ◆[/h1][/code][hr][/hr]Today's (March 25) hotfix introduces several solutions to issues that cropped up since [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/933110/view/5211200606875531261]the major game update earlier this month[/url]. We've got more in the works for the next official update, but wanted to take an opportunity to get fixes shipped out for these issues sooner than later. [h3][b]The Aztecs[/b][/h3] [list] [*] [b]Temple of Quetzalcoatl Support (Card):[/b] Now (properly) buffs [b]Jaguar Prowl Knights[/b] rather than [b]Janey the Pet Jaguar[/b]. [*] [b]Aztec Mining (Card):[/b] No longer [i]adds[/i] a coin cost rather than substituting coin for the wood cost.[/list] [h3][b]Fixes[/b][/h3][list] [*] Implemented fixes for two issues which could result in a random crash at any point. [*] Fixed an issue which would prevent AI-controlled players from sending Home City cards. [*] Fixed an issue where scoreboard flags were being updated each frame, causing a performance drop on some systems. [*] Mods that override localized strings, legacy UI fonts, and the randomnamesy.xml file are now marked as “Safe for Multiplayer” to allow for their use in Ranked and Casual multiplayer games. [/list] If you continue to experience [i]any[/i] crashes, performance issues, or technical hiccups in the game, please take the time to [url=https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/requests/new]reach out to the support team[/url] so they can assist you. [img]https://static.ageofempires.com/aoe/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/age3de-hotfix21704-battle.jpg[/img] [hr][/hr][code][h1] ◆ MOD WARNING ◆[/h1][/code][hr][/hr]Please note that custom mods may not be compatible with the latest game update. If you encounter performance or stability issues after your mods are disabled, please visit our [url=https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/]support page[/url] for assistance!