[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35210618/e3e07cce35c6fcf2e7ed477e2d58dc286049e8d1.jpg[/img] Hey Community! Today we’re ready to launch our May PUP: a small and focused update to address priority issues including critical bugs affecting gameplay and stability, much desired adjustments to the new Red Bull Wololo: El Reinado Ladder maps, and other important issues from your reports! Our teams are still working to investigate issues with Quickplay matches not starting or becoming unresponsive. We’ve also temporarily adjusted the penalty players receive when leaving a match early (for our quickplay users only) so no one is timed out from this issue. While our PUP is only available on Steam, we do want to let console players know that we’ve also got fixes for Xbox planned for the next update to address reported issues with both the radial menu and y-button functionality. Best queue times while searching for Lobbies in PUP continue to be: [list] [*] 11:00am-1:00pm PT [*] 6:00pm-8:00pm PT [*] 7:00pm-9:00pm GMT[/list] Thank you for playing, and we look forward to your feedback in the Steam forums: https://steamcommunity.com/app/813780/discussions/30/4357872852123023203/ [hr][/hr][h1]Build: 112888[/h1] [h1]Branch: pup_may[/h1] [hr][/hr] [h2]Game[/h2] [h3]Stability and Performance[/h3] [list][*] Fixed a variety of crashes. [*] Addressed performance issues affecting users on Windows 10 and earlier systems. [*] Resolved a crash when loading old Return of Rome saves in Single Player mode. [/list] [h2]Settings[/h2] [list][*] Clamping mouse to window now works properly with multi-monitor setups on any monitor. [/list] [h2]Graphics[/h2] [list][*] Animated Profile Icons are now moving as intended in the Player Icons menu. [/list] [h2]Gameplay[/h2] [list][*] Addressed an issue where foragers were not dropping off food to a nearby mill. [*] Fixed an issue where units could repeatedly attempt to attack a neutral map object (such as a pyramid) they cannot interact with.[/list] [h2]Maps[/h2] [list][*] [b]Shrubland:[/b] [list][*] Lumber camps and lumberjacks should no longer spawn within a woodline. [*] Relics should no longer spawn in inaccessible areas of the map.[/list] [*] [b]Isthmus:[/b] [list][*] Villagers should no longer spawn trapped within a woodline. [*] Adjusted stone spawns in Team Games to be more evenly distributed per team.[/list] [*] [b]The Passage:[/b] [list][*] Players can no longer delete many trees by partially chopping them and placing a palisade over the tree. [*] Forests are now visible on the mini map.[/list][/list]