[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35210618/6dfb6855aca739349da88b44e00058173a817f44.png[/img] Hello and welcome to the monthly [i]Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition[/i] Event! This month we have some strange invaders coming from another game: [i]Minecraft Legends[/i]! A portal has been opened and hordes of Piglins and Creepers are already attacking our poor villagers, it’s time to fight back! Grab your sword - it's time to defend your empire! We hope you enjoy the [i]Minecraft Legends[/i] Event - good luck have fun! [code][h2] 🤍June 27 – July 11🤍[/h2][/code] [h2][i]Minecraft Legends[/i] Event - New Rewards![/h2] [table equalcells=1][tr] [td][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35210618/079e54da66075220a94d53b3dcdd3d0bffc3f023.png[/img][/td] [td][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35210618/c4e2e451dfc6c17695d6f6a9a76658ac006af911.png[/img][/td] [td][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35210618/f3e0e48b1f6bf434e082a115c0b999934cb76dde.png[/img][/td] [/tr][/table] [b]NOW through July 11th[/b], complete the in-game tasks within the time limit to unlock exclusive rewards! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35210618/5676a6f6efcf48b12bdd51c57ffc775c80c9f791.png[/img] [h2]Event F.A.Q.[/h2] 🢂 Q: Do I have to complete the challenges on consecutive days? [expand type=details]While challenges don’t have to be completed on [b]consecutive[/b] days, [b]only one challenge can be completed per day[/b]. This means that you will need to play at least five different days to complete all of the challenges. [/expand] 🢂 Q: When is the last day I can complete the daily challenges? [expand type=details]The [i]Minecraft Legends[/i] Event concludes July 11th. [/expand] 🢂 Q: What do I do if I accidentally unsubscribe from a special mod? [expand type=details]No problem! All you need to do is click your [b]Profile Icon[/b] on the main menu, select [b]Event Mods[/b] (under Collection), and then check the unlocked event mod you want to enable! [/expand] 🢂 Q: How do I change my profile icon? [expand type=details]You can update your profile icon in your profile: [olist][*] On the main menu, click the [b]Profile Icon[/b] next to your name. [*] You should now be in the [b]Profile Icons[/b] tab under [b]Collections[/b]. [*] Select your favorite icon, then click the [b]Select Icon[/b] button to lock in your choice. [*] You’re done! [/olist] [/expand] 🢂 Q: How do I download and enable mods? [expand type=details]For information about how to subscribe to and prioritize your mods, visit [url=https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047762971]this article.[/url] [/expand] [h1]Keep It All![/h1] Remember: if you [b]sign in to Xbox Live[/b] during the event, you’ll get to keep all of the [b]mods[/b] and [b]profile icons[/b] you’ve achieved! Sign in, earn your rewards, and enjoy! We hope you enjoy this month’s [i]Minecraft Legends[/i] Event! —The [i]Age of Empires[/i] Team [hr][/hr] [previewyoutube=oh2pvWTSJp0;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Curious about [i]Minecraft Legends[/i]?[/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1928870/Minecraft_Legends/