[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35210618/27edfc3234704aad57488167064687d3a06363c8.png[/img] Happy Autumn Sale everyone! The Steam Award nominations for 2021 are underway and we’ve got a special request for you. [i]Age of Empires II[/i] has been in development for 22 years, from [i]Age of Kings[/i] to [i]HD Edition[/i] to today's [i]Definitive Edition[/i]. In that time, we've learned and grown alongside our community and watched you do amazing things. From the start, we wanted [i]Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition[/i] to be a "Love letter to [i]Age [/i]fans everywhere." We began strong in 2019 and have only gotten stronger, with 2 DLCs, monthly updates, new game modes, ranked map rotations, and no sign of slowing down. That's why we're asking for your nomination for [i]Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition[/i] for the [b][u]Labor of Love[/u][/b] award, a special trophy bestowed upon a game that is long past its launch date but still lovingly supported and nurtured by its development team. For us it is certainly a [u][b]Labor of Love[/b][/u], and if you agree it would mean a lot to us if you would click the button above and give us your nomination. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35210618/27edfc3234704aad57488167064687d3a06363c8.png[/img] Best wishes, The [i]Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition[/i] team