[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43550964/75a4330db3d4e3dd8f5c157b6c1e33297eb370dd.png[/img] [b][h3]🍃 New Ability System + Quality of Life Additions & More! 🍃[/h3][/b] Hi folks (: We're thrilled to announce that we've just updated the demo once again! We made a lot of "quality of life" additions & changes to improve your experience with Aestik. As always, please [url=https://discord.com/invite/vpfhKvuCFw]feel free to join the official Aestik Discord[/url] to let us know what you think (...or to report any bugs you encountered). 🌱 [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43550964/128ed686b9fc0451841bdce0d2a463c41be0b4ab.png[/img] [h3]Here are the most important changes & additions:[/h3] [list] [*] [b]Rune System[/b] - [b]Abilities [/b]in Aestik can now be [b]equipped and un-equipped[/b] as you please + we've added rune descriptions! (see screenshot above) [*] [b]Map System[/b] - The map now highlights the room you're currently in! [*] [b]Improved Player Controls[/b] - You can now [b]look up/down[/b] by holding the respective button while standing still! [*] [b]Visual Improvements[/b] - for example 🍂 [b]tiny falling leaves[/b] 🍃 in the Bubblewoods that give the Realm of Aestik even more life and atmosphere! (: [*] Balancing Adjustments [*] Bug Fixes [/list] Anyway, it's getting late - DON'T FORGET TO [b]WISHLIST AESTIK[/b] AND SHARE IT WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY MEMBERS, PETS AND PLANTS! 🤍⚔️ Much love, Julia & Nic [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43550964/41c057707adab2f0452cf6d93a653359ff6e1e52.png[/img] 🌿 [b]TLDR [/b]🌿 👇 Here are all the [b]new changes quickly summarized [/b]in a short video: [previewyoutube=RvepBDVWbi4?si=4Dl8FsvP9sgPFyEi;full][/previewyoutube]