Hello Acolytes! We hope that you are enjoying the Steam Summer Sale! It's been a month since our last update and we have been hard at work improving the quality of the game to make it the best that it can be. We are proud to announce another patch, including the addition of saving progression data using Steam's Cloud service. Below is a list of the most important changes that we've added to the latest version. Additions - Cloud Saves are now enabled! Feel free to start a run on one PC and finish it on another. - Added buttons that filter cards by Patron to the Card Library. - Added final bosses Loaine, Knest, and Haru to the Bestiary. Changes - Shuddering Bundle now gains 2 Borrowed Life on Play in addition to at End of Turn. - Earthcarver’s Chains now costs 1 burden instead of 2. - Increased Uncovered Goldcap’s starting life total to 36. Bug Fixes - Fixed a bug that would sometimes replace a card in your deck inadvertently while Looting. - Fixed a bug that would sometimes spawn an unusable Tiny Disciple card when clicking and dragging from a specific place on the screen. - Adjusted the location of UI elements on screen to ensure that they are not cut off on certain aspect ratios. - Updated the Loot Screen to clarify when a card is available or unavailable for looting. - Fixed a bug that incorrectly applied Multicast from Ancient Gong to Language of the Deep. …plus various other small bug fixes, quality of life improvements, and structural changes to prepare for future additions!