[b][h1]Improvements[/h1][/b] [list] [*] Made minor adjustments to the lobby to remove foliage from areas where it shouldn’t be. [*] Added a "Host" indicator to identify the lobby host. [*] Added a 'in game' text to peoples lobbies if they are in game to avoid confusion. [/list] [b][h1]Optimization[/h1][/b] [list] [*] Improved the entire backend system for items, so you should no longer experience lag when adding a substantial number of items. [*] Enhanced the backend for purchasing items from the shop. [/list] [b][h1]Bug Fixes[/h1][/b] [list] [*] Fixed one of the weekly tasks going outside of the screen. [*] Fixed the wrong footsteps on certain materials in the lobby. [*] Fixed a bug where it would say the host was not ready. [*] Fixed the floating laptops on Rookridge Hollow. [*] Fixed a bug where the game could crash after adding too many items. [/list]