[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43009981/6e110cf9aae9480e8e7c1ea54790e532892ac681.png[/img] Salutations, colleges! [h3]We've deployed a small hotfix![/h3] Please update your game and servers when you get a moment away from scientific study. v0.8.1.10032 [b]Hotfix Patch Notes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where cheese (and some other items) could continue multiplying when reloading the world, like some kind of anomalous dairy demon. [*] Dr. Thule noticed some scientists are reporting seeing (many) multiples of IS-0091. He assures us he has fixed this by adjusting the XR tracker to stabilize this event. He also mentioned there is only ONE IS-0091. Well, if you don't count the other two, but even Dr. Manse doesn't know where those are, so please try not to think about them too hard. [*] Removed some lip smacks from four lines of player dialog between both voices. [*] Personal Teleporters should not function properly on older saves without having to package and re-deploy the Crafting Bench. [/list]