[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44948826/2c706665a4ece84cc17e90809396772e4e9f9b16.png[/img] 🤠 Howdy partners! We are happy to announce that [b]A Twisted Path to Renown[/b] has been successfully accepted for this year’s [b]STEAM FPS FEST[/b]! This is yet another significant milestone in the game's development and progression. With Steam FPS Fest being active from [b]April 15-22@10 AM Pacific[/b], it’s exciting to open even more windows of opportunity for newcomers to get ready for our wild west hardcore extraction experience. [i]"Steam is dedicating an entire week to first-person shooters of all kinds, with deals and demos aplenty. From tactical shooters to hunting and diving games; team combat to solo missions; and shooters set back in the recent-day (the 90s, for example) and waaaaay back in the day, like WWII; you’ll find all sorts of awesome deals."[/i] 🔫 Gather all cowboys, sheriffs and outlaws to carve your own Twisted Path to Renown by wishlisting the game on Steam! [previewyoutube=Cd4ffQlZnnc;full][/previewyoutube] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44948826/3e41d9c36876576694983ab1dcd672316a5a1fce.png[/img] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2304660/A_Twisted_Path_to_Renown/