jpg Update Night is a fortnightly column in which Rich McCormick revisits games to find out whether they’ve been changed for better or worse.

Sound the horns, call in the bannermen, and prepare for the funeral rites. Fothad, governor of Circenn, is dead.

It s fine though, I ve got another Fothad. I ve actually got another two Fothads, just sat around in my kingdom s court, the apparent result of some spectacularly uncreative naming conventions in 9th Century Scotland. It s not just Fothads that I rack up on my playthrough of A Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia, either: I also pick up two Amlaibs one a general, one a governor a surplus of Ailins, and I m on my third Dubgall by the time I unite all of Scotland under my rule. I know it s the Dark Ages, guys, but can we come up with a few new names?
