1.140 - 1st October 2024 — - OPTIMIZE - Removed some debug log warnings so hopefully the game will run smoother, particularly those who experienced slowdowns with water (maybe? Hopefully? Please tell me?) - MELEE - Damage from attributes increased - ABILITY COINS - Doubled the amount of ability coins gained from Orbs. I grossfully underestimated the number of coins in the game so this change is more appropriate. - ABILITY COINS - Gave existing players the amount of coins owed to them from the above boost, enjoy^ - PETS - Changed Monster Taming multiplier, previously only 10% of all monster taming was affecting stats. Now fully unlocked to 100% to reflect the investment and rewards Monster Tamers mode - PETS - Exp split between pets now disabled, pets will level up the same regardless of how many are out, due to complaints and slow leveling when too many out - PETS - As a result of the above pet exp, attack and HP have been nerfed to try to compensate for how much more powerful they will end up being - we still may get OP pets but I'm not sure yet - Just want to get the system working fully as intended and we can tweak from there! - FISHING GAME - reduced BOSS hp down by approx 25%