Our team is still teleworking, and Spain continues to close municipal borders and restrict travel, making the development process take longer than we anticipated. That’s the bad news. The good news, however, is that the end of development for 3 Minutes to Midnight is in sight! We’re both happy and sad to be almost finished. The first half of the game is currently in the testing phase, and our programmers are hard at work finishing up the second half. Due to all the different paths, solutions, and choices the player can make, testing is a massive undertaking. We expect it to take several months to complete that phase of the project. To give you an idea of how in-depth our testing process is, it took our team of testers between 8 and 18 hours each to finish Chapter 1. Since our game has five chapters, some more puzzle-heavy than others, it’s gonna take us a lot of work, coffee, and time to make sure everything is perfect. Don’t worry—we’re making absolutely sure that every option leads exactly where it should. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32659830/e14f960f08311f21b53268723d13dbd678cba37a.png[/img] When we have a better idea of our release timeline, you’ll be the first to know. (Heck, we’d like to know too!) Our crystal ball is on the fritz, and we don’t want to make promises we can’t keep, so we’re not announcing a release date yet, but rest assured you’ll be informed at least three months before it comes out.